Pink Noise Products

To better understand analog filtered broadband pink noise let us start at the beginning by talking about the colors of sound and how they apply to your hearing sensitivity. To understand broadband pink noise, we must first talk about white noise. Many of you know that the culmination of all color is white. In other words, if you mixed all colors together in equal portions, you would get the color white. The same holds true with sound frequencies. The culmination of all sounds (equal energy in all frequencies) is called white noise. Although hyperacusis patients are sensitive to all sound (frequencies), we are particularly sensitive to higher frequencies (over 6000 Hertz). We therefore must take this into consideration when designing a therapy to help us recover. Many hyperacusis patients have found they can improve their sound tolerances (sensitivity to sound) by concentrating on a specific band of frequencies that aids in reestablishing our tolerances to the primary sounds we hear in everyday life. The answer to this is broadband pink noise. Although it is not fully understood what causes hyperacusis, many believe that a good part of the problem involves the way our brain processes sound. Our brain has an amazing ability to retrain itself to normalize a neurological function after it has been injured. This special kind of sound (broadband pink noise) helps retrain the way our brain processes sound. Although many believe that something has been physically altered in the ear, it is clear that we can make significant progress in recapturing the tolerances in our ears by listening to broadband pink noise. Someday the mystery of hyperacusis will be solved. But until that day comes, broadband pink noise is the best tool we have right now to rehabilitate our ears and improve our collapsed tolerance to sound.

There are two basic ways to deliver broadband pink noise to your ears. The best way starts with a clinician who is trained to diagnose the seriousness of your condition, explain to you the dynamics of hyperacusis, test your ears in gentle ways to determine your loudness discomfort levels (LDL), fit you with special hearing aids called noise (sound) generators that deliver broadband pink noise to your ears, monitor your progress and provide directive counseling until you recover. Clinicians who administer this kind of treatment were trained by Dr. Pawel Jastreboff (Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia). They are experts in treating hyperacusis and tinnitus patients. Their protocol is called Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (a.k.a. TRT) and has significantly helped tinnitus and hyperacusis patients recover. To learn more about TRT you might consider reading Dr. Jastreboff’s book “Tinnitus Retraining Therapy.”

The second way one can deliver broadband pink noise to their ears would be to purchase our broadband pink noise CD, flash drive, or ‘pre-loaded’ iPod Shuffle. Instead of listening to broadband pink noise through special noise generators (TRT), it can be delivered to the ear by listening to this special CD or Flash drive.

The cost of the Pink Noise CD and guideline is $40 (US), $70 (International). The price includes postage.  For International delivery please include your telephone number or email your telelphone number to after you place your order.

The cost of the pre-loaded 16 GB Flash Drive with guideline is $60 (United States), $90 (International). The price includes postage. For International delivery please include your telephone number or email your telephone number to after you place your order.

If you have already have a PayPal account you can place your order by sending payment to This is the preferred method of payment.  When doing so be sure to include your complete mailing address (Name, Full Street Address, City, State or Country and Zip Code Telephone Number and Email Address)

The network will also accept a personal check, bank check, or US dollars to:

The Hyperacusis Network
4417 Anapaula Lane
Green Bay, Wisconsin 54311-9743

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